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My friend asked me to write about him, so here it is.

I won't be telling name. Since I think this guy is quite unique. He liked all my facebook posts which kind of weird at first, but I got used to it so fast. Thinking that it's nothing. Probably he just switched on my posts notification. My mom didn't asked about this one. Last time, there was an Arab guy commented on my facebook post and my mom asked me who he is. laughed out loud.

Anyway, let see if I can write more about this guy. We talked about many kinds of things, places, marriages, procedures on how to convert to Islam, human beings, about female anatomy which he is very interested in. Well, that escalated quickly.

We never met. I don't know why probably the fact that I feel a bit scared. No woman should feel  hostile when going out with a guy isn't it. Or maybe I just couldn't trust myself at this moment going out with random guy that I don't really know. He is cool with it. In fact, he is cool with everything I said. Maybe because he liked me. Well, I know he likes me and I want to say thank you for being with me when I'm being hormonal every month. Yes, he even counted my PMS cycle. What a dork right? lol.

That's all for now.

Cheers folks.


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